When it comes to used cars most of us trust in the wisdom of the Kelley Blue Book ratings and their values are typically among the first questions asked when discussing price. The Kelley Blue Book ratings are a standard in the industry and are based on research and proven statistics rather than bias or opinion. Used cars are rated and priced according to the resale value which is the cost of the car new minus depreciation. Depreciation has been cited as the largest expense an owner will experience over the first five years of ownership. According the 2010 Kelley Blue Book ratings for the top 5 cars in terms of resale value over the first five years are the Audi A-5, BMW M-3, Chevrolet Camaro SS, Chevrolet Corvette and the Honda CR-V.
The Audi A-5 comes in at the top holding a resale value of over forty percent in the fifth year which is quite good for the auto industry. An Audi is typically more of an investment than many other used cars and therefore mandates a higher resale value, even at forty percent of the original value the prices are still high and attest to the quality of the car. This is assuming that car is being maintained and serviced regularly and that is not being pushed beyond its design limits. The Audi A-5 is a great used car and these vehicles are only predicted to lose a quarter of their original value in the first two years making it easy to get fantastic deals on almost new luxury cars at used car prices.
Number two of the top 5 used cars for resale value is BMW’s M-3, the M-3 has been a favorite among BMW enthusiasts since their debut in 1986 and the performance and style of the M-3 has only gotten better with time. The M-3 is another car that if properly care for will retain high resale values for years, the evaluation for the 2010 M-3 estimates they will keep over a third of their value over the first two years and just like the A-6, around forty percent of the original sales value. If that were not enough, the M-3 is also luxury powerhouse that is fast and stylish, and while the M-3 is more expensive than the A-6 it does hold its value well.
The Chevrolet Camaro has made a fantastic comeback and these new classics are expected to hold much of their value as used cars. At number three for resale out of the top 5 used cars, these modern muscle cars are one of the hottest models on the market right now and for good reason, with a relatively cheap base price and a mix of modern and classic design this car is perfect for the general driver or the sports car enthusiast. The Camaro is forecast to keep at least half of its original value over the first three years and is a great prediction for a sports car. The Camaro has been infused with the latest technologies to make it quick, maneuverable and reliable and it all combines to keep the used value higher than most sports cars.
The Corvette is actually not surprising to most since it is typically a weekend or seasonal vehicle and gets far less use than most cars. With that in mind the 2010 Corvette is still fourth for overall resale value and that is great news for anyone making the investment. The Honda CR-V is number five and it has made a few lists for top used cars. The legendary reliability of Honda products continues with the CR-V holding its value over the first five years as well as an Audi or BMW. The CR-V is a extremely popular choice with families and its steady value over time is an indication of the longevity of the vehicle.